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Unlock RockMan Crossover Quest cheats for Lunar Knights. Comment Bookmark. Rate this cheats: 1 0. Unlock RockMan Crossover Quest.

I finaly found a translation of the Rockman crossover in Lunar Knights! It was at the Boktai Online forum. I recomend checking it out if you are a Boktai fan.(At Eastern Solar Bank)Laura: Hm, a package? There's no sender's name.

But there's an addressee name, so it's definitely a package. A package has arrived for you, sir!Transer Get!!Django: What's this? Seems like some kind of machine, but.Sabata: Some piece of scrap with an unknown sender. There's no time to care about such a thing, discard it!Django: Eeh, what a waste! Couldn't it be some kind of amazing weapon?Sabata.hun, fine. Let's try and ask Sheridan about it.(at Sheridan's Mansion)Sheridan: Hey, what's up?Sabata: Professor, there's something we want to show you.Sheridan: Oh?

Once again, you've gotten your hands on an unusual thing.Sabata: It's a piece of scrap from an unknown sender. Appears to be a device of some sort or other, but.Sheridan: Some kind of device?Sheridan: Th, this is. Let me take a quick look at this!Django: He's gone.Sabata: Seems like it wasn't just any old piece of scrap.Sheridan: I was surprised!

It seems it's some manner of connection device. But the technology that made this is completely different from this planet's magic-science.

Perhaps our Network has connected to another world.Sabata: Another world?Django: What do you mean?.Transer sound effect when an email comes in.Sabata.!????: Hello.can anyone hear me?Sabata.who is this!????.you can hear me! It's a success, Amachi-san!!Django: Amachi-san????: Ah, sorry. Pleased to meet you.

I'm Hoshikawa Subaru. I'm corresponding from Earth in the 23rd century. This is probably a surprise so suddenly. But I'd like you to hear me out.Sabata: 23rd century you say.?Django: Ahah, sounds interesting!! Subaru-kun, right? So, what do you have to say?Subaru: Unfortunately, it's not an interesting talk. Your guys' world is being targetted by an FM Seijin.Django: FM Seijin?Subaru: It seems somehow from our world, he's transferred across space-time.

His name is Ox Fire. He's a very brutal and dangerous guy.Django: Ox Fire.Subaru: Because an FM Seijin's body can become Denpa, you can't see him with your eyes. On top of that, they can enter a person's heart and show them illusions, and control that person. They are using that power to ruin this planet. At this rate, your guys' world is also in danger!Django: That's.

Sabata, we have to do something!Sabata.Subaru: Using Amachi-san's dimensional connection system, we've investigated you guys. The talked about Vampire Hunters. Pitch-Black Swordsman Sabata and Apprentice Gunfighter Django!! Now, none but you can oppose the FM Seijin. For the sake of protecting this planet as well, I'd like you to help me defeat Ox Fire!Django: Understood, Subaru-kun!! Leave it to us!Sabata: Don't just go deciding that on your own.You're called Subaru?

I can't help you.Subaru: Eh?Sabata: How do we know it's not you guys who are aiming to attack our world?Subaru: Please, believe me! Without a trusting heart, you can't beat the FM Seijin. Without a trusting heart, we can't share our power with you guys.Sabata: Your guys' power?Subaru: Yes. One is that machine. It's called a Transer, it's a portable information computer terminal connecting our worlds. While we can't send people, we can talk.Sabata.Subaru: That's not all. If you use the Transer's Brother Band System, we can support your guys' battle.Django: Brother Band?Subaru: Brother Band, it's the bond between those capable of trusting one another from the heart.

If you use Brother Band, you can trade friend data to power up characters and accessories.Django: Heeh!Subaru: The data trade isn't just for friends with Boktai DS, but can be done with friends with Ryusei no Rockman as well.Django: Awesome!!Subaru: You're interested? Then one more thing. Allow me to introduce my friend.Django: Friend?Subaru: Yes. He's got a bad mouth, but he's a dependable guy. I'm transporting him now.Sabata: Wait a second!!

I thought you can't send humans!?.Transer sound.Subaru: Well, did he arrive?Sabata.Django: Nothing's appearing?Subaru: Ah, that's right! Hold on just a bit, I'm sending one more item.Transer sound.Visualizer get!!Subaru: What I just sent you is a Visualizer You can't see my friend without that.Django: What do you mean by tha.Django: uwah!!Sabata: What's got you so surprised.!????: (not sure what he's saying)Subaru: Rock, looks like you made it there alright.???: Suppose so.Sabata: This guy can't be.???: My name is War Rock.an FM Seijin like Ox Fire.Sabata: What do you mean?Subaru: It's OK. Though he's also an FM Seijin, Rock is our ally.

To put it in terms of your guys' world, it's an existence like the Seireijuu.War Rock: I'm not at my normal ability due to the space-time crossing, but if you use the Brother Band System and take on the Ryusei no Rockman friend data, I should soon be able to restore my real power.Django: I see! As the friend data gets stronger, War Rock also powers up!Subaru: Well? Even with this, can't you trust me?Sabata.Django: Sabata!!Sabata: Hunn. Even bringing along such a guy.Subaru.Great!! Ox Fire should be hidden somewhere in your guys' world. Like Rock, he's probably not at full power yet.

Rock will let you guys know if you get close, so first arrive at Ox Fire's location and stop him. Well then Rock, I'm trusting the support of them to you!War Rock: Well, that's how it is. Let's get along for a short time?Sabata: Fine. I'll be testing out that power.Django: Yoroshikune., Rock!!.this has no real English translation, but it's roughly 'I place myself in your care'. VERY roughly.Denpa Seireijuu War Rock's power is acquired!!Sheridan: Surprising. A Denpa Seireijuu.

Because it's lost it's full power, it doesn't look like it can Burst, but like other Seireijuu's Elemental Attacks it seems it can heighten the attack power of sword and gun attacks. Network menu's Brother Band option allows you to trade Ryusei no Rockman friend data with your guys' Bokura no Taiyou DS' s friend data, using those data to power up things.(Choose Find Ox Fire!

Quest and enter 13th Street)War Rock: He's here. I can sense his presence!(Rooftops next to building)War Rock: Careful. He's close!(On top of building)War Rock: Long time no see, Ox Fire!!Ox Fire: Bururuh!!

You're War Rock!?War Rock: Yo, how ya been?Ox Fire: Bururuh!! Fancy meeting you in a place like this! Weren't terribly affected by the space-time shift, were you? Just what do you hope to accomplish in that body?War Rock: You say that, but you're not at full strength either, are you?Ox Fire: It won't be long before I recover fully. Once that happens, I could destroy a world like this in an instant.Django: We won't let you!Ox Fire: Bururururuh!! Who are these brats?

But this is perfect. I'll use you to test the power of the monsters I control!Ox Fire: Go, monsters!

Buruooooh!!(after the battle)Ox Fire: Bururuh!! I'll let you off easy this time. Farewell!Subaru: Are you okay!? Ox Fire is still hiding somewhere, trying to gain more time. Hurry and find him before his full power returns. We need to stop him! I'm counting on all of you!!(Choose Find Ox Fire!

Quest and enter Hunting Mansion: Forecourt)War Rock: He's here. I can sense his presence!(In the Prep Room)War Rock: Careful. He's right ahead!(In the Boss Room)War Rock: Found you, Ox fire!Ox Fire: Bururuh!! You're annoyingly persistent! Just a bit longer and I'll be at full power. Guess there's no choice!War Rock: Go, Antlion!

Buruoooh!!(After the Battle)Ox Fire: Bururuh!! You guys are a real hassle. I'll spare your lives for a while longer. Later!Subaru: He ran away again.Sabata: What's going on? No matter how much we attack him, it doesn't have any effect?Subaru: That's it. His true form is a denpa wave, so you can't damage him with direct attacks.

But on the other hand, he can control monsters with those denpa waves.Django: No way.Sabata: Damn!! If we could only use Burst with War Rock, who's made of the same denpa waves.Subaru: Burst? That's it, if we could borrow the power of your Trance.Sabata.?Subaru: There's no time. At any rate, find Ox Fire again and stop him.Django: Do we have a strategy? Okay, I'll give it a try!(Choose Find Ox Fire!

Quest and enter Hunting Mansion: Interior)War Rock: He's here. I can sense his presence!(In the Prep Room)War Rock: Careful. He's right ahead!(In the Boss Room)War Rock: Ox Fire!! Don't run away this time!Ox Fire: Bururuh!! You're too late!

My power is already at Max Heat!! Soon every monster in this world will do my bidding!Django: What!?Sabata: Our opponent is no slouch. If anyone gets in my way, I take him down. Plain and simple.War Rock: Ox Fire. No matter how many beasts you gather, after all, trash is just trash.Django: You two aren't worried? Then neither am I!Ox Fire: Burururuh!!

You're all morons! Fine, if you want to die that much. I'll turn you to ashes!Ox Fire: Go, monsters! Winner soccer evo elite apk mod. Buruoooh!!Ox Fire: Bururururuh!!

You're the one who's trash, War Rock!!War Rock: Kuh.Sabata: It's not over yet!! I still have things I need to do. I can't die here!Django: But, at this rate.(mail sound)Subaru: Are you all okay!?thank goodness!! Looks like luck is on our side. Amachi-san managed to upgrade the communication device in this short time. Now with your cooperation, I should be able to transport to your world!Django: Really, you can!?Sabata: What are you talking about!?Subaru: By borrowing your Trance power, even a human like me can make the space-time jump to your world, if only for a short time. If I'm there, I can fuse with Rock and become Rockman.

As Rockman I'm made of denpa waves, so I should be able to attack Ox Fire in person!Sabata: I see. So it'll be a Burst attack from Rockman.Django: Yeah!

I don't really get it, but now we can defeat Ox Fire!Sabata: Let's go!Django: OK, Sabata!!Sabata & Django: Uoooooooooh!!(after battle)Ox Fire: Gwaaaaaaaah!! There's no way I could be.

These brats!!Rockman: Thank you! Sabata, Django!! Thanks to you we were able to defeat Ox Fire!Django: No, we're the ones who should thank you.

But what a surprise! You fusing with Rock. It's just like our Trance!Rockman: Yeah. And from now on, you can Trance with Rock out and I'll come help!Django: Wow! We're friends already!Sabata: Friends. No we're not.Rockman: Right, our bond of friendship is much stronger than that. From now on, we're BrothersDjango: Yeah.

Brothers!(mail sound)Rockman: It's from Amachi-san. Sorry, but it's about time for me to return to my own world.Django: Will you come back?Rockman: Don't worry. We're connected by a Brother Band. No matter what happens, our hearts are tied together.Django: Okay.Rockman: Well then, see you later!Django: See you later, Rockman!!Sabata: Sheesh, what a spacey guy. Until we meet again, Rockman!!Burst with Denpa Seireijuu War Rock is now possible!!I will be uploading a Lunar Knights Rockman Crossover video (if you want to see the gameplay while reading the script). I will also put this on the vid.