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From the creators of Puzzle Quest, comes the Puzzle/RPG/Strategy mash-up you’ve been waiting for, GEMS OF WAR! Embark on an epic journey across the realms Krystara where heroes can take on a world of adventure unlike any other. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Gems Of War for PlayStation 4 (PS4).

. Mana: match 3 gems will get 3 mana, mana has 6 color:Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple Brown, in short we use R = Red, G = Green, Yellow = Y, Blue = B, Brown = Earth = E, so Cheers! (Cost:12 Green Brown ) is a 12GE skill.

Combo: match 4 gems will get a extra turn & 4 mana, and you can match more gems. This called combo.

Chance: leave 4 gems match to enemy called leave chances, obviously, DON’T LEAVE ANY CHANCE TO ENEMY! The easiest way is open the hit in the settings, if u can’t find any 4 matches, wait 3 seconds for the hint. Trust me, AI Almost won’t leave any chance to u. Dangerous card: some card’s skill will leave chance to enemy, like venoxia, so this card called danger card. Safe card: some cards’s skill won’t leave any chance to enemy if you don’t make mistakes, like goblin shaman, Alchemist. Masteries: you got 1 mastery point on you level up, masteries affect the mana surge chance & unlock new weapon, Lv18 get about 15% chances to trigger mana surge.

PS:guild masteries won't unlock new weapon for you. Mana surge: on gem match has chance to trigger mana surge will double the mana get. The chance increase by hero masteries & guild masteries & defend area mana bonus, match 5 gems will 100% get a mana surge, so 5 mana surge means 10 mana!.

Extra Diamond & Keys: now every match on game will occasionally get 1 Diamond or 1 iron Keys, notice that if you retreat on the invade, it will lost! Second Tank. MT: Main Tank, MT absorb the normal attack damage & protect others. HP: HP = life + armor, the more HP the more tanky, current HERO is the best MT, i am lv62 with hero 26HP. Stronger than any Legendary cards.

Tank Turns(TT): because most of the normal skill damage is 6, like hero’s normal attack. So TT = HP/6, one turn means at least 3 gem Mana.

CA: Carry, carry’s duty is get more attributes & do more damage before MT dies. Attribute: Armor, Life, Attack, Magic are call attributes, Armor vs Life does’t make some difference, so we have 3 attributes, HP, Magic, Attack. SP: Support, support’s duty is release more skills & get more mana. SP is the most safe position in team. Support Card: card skill can’t make any direct damage called support cards, explode gems or destory line card not included for you may destory skulls.

ST: Second Tank, we call the last position ST because there are lots of skills will damage the last enemy: Hero’s Dagger Weapon, Ferit, Rock Worm. ST needs be more tanky, cannot be the weakiest one in the Troop.

Match Paradigms: here are some useful paradigms. AI won't notice this, so use it to gain mana more quickly.Double 3 MatchCombo 4 Match. Mana Control:take rival card wanted mana color,it's quite useful when rival team missing color, rival waste turn on useless mana means you got another turn. Skull Trick: because of AI’s strategy, AI will match skulls before release skill, so u can leave 3 skull to AI & exchange for 1 turn. It's quite useful for delay skill, control mana, or set a trap for AI create 4+ chance for you.

Double Turn Trick:if you use a skill with a extra turn and also auto match 4+ gems after skill release, u will get two extra turns! The only cards can make it is Goblin shaman, Skeleton & Boar Rider.

And the goblin shaman is the easiest one. So some dangerous skill is no longer dangerous now.

And the best things is, u can release skill at any time! Shaman release skill and auto match 4+ - continue combo - mana is full, skill ready - release skill - still your turn! 1Tier: Crimson bat(VP), Gorgotha(GE), The silent one(SIL), Sheggra(FD). Crimson bat(VP): 16RB deal 4 AOE true damage & gain 8 HP, still the most powerful L cards even nerfed. The best CA. Gorgotha(GE): the best gem exploder, 15BY, explode 6 random gems!The silent one(SIL): the strongest controller, 18BY silence all. Sheggra(FD): i call him fire dragon, Lava strike is a powerful skill, the best attack skill, 18RB create 6 red gems may make massive damage in one shot.

Through may leave chance, much better effect than KOS. 2Tier: Crnex (SE), Keeper of souls(KOS), Behemoth(BE), Abhorath(AB), Moloch(MO). Keeper of souls(KOS): 18PB transform all gems of a chosen color to skulls.

Release if has combo is good. Crnex (SE): Skull exploder, a good mana farmer, but weather than GE. Behemoth (BE): i like call him BeastEarth, also his skill cost 15BE with 5 AOE damage, stronger version of ATLANTA, weaker than the Crimson bat(VP). BE+ RockWorm+ Acolyte/Deep Borer is a good team.

Abhorath (AB): 19HP 9AK with a 15BP skill, may leave chance to opponent, but it’s a good MT. Moloch(MO): 15RY 5true damage & drain mana? Not a good damager but a good controller. Also needs lots of mana. 3Tier: others. Venoxia(VX): 16GP create 8G8B & 2 AOE true damage, My first L cards, i also call him Team Killer, most of time grant opponent tons of blue and green 4 matches.

Hard to control. But i still like it. Gloom Leaf (Leaf): steal 7 armour and 2 attack from an enemy?

Even weaker than E card Lady Saphira. Goblin King(GK): lv10 has 23HP is good,but the skill sucks, 7 health and remove all green gems? Much weaker than the Eater. Orion(CK): maybe should call him chaos knight, 1- 15 damage, average is 8. I am sure u will get crazy if he hits only 1 damage.

Shadow Dragon(SD): 15PY poison all enemies & 5 random true damage. Because debuff is weak in current version.

So SD is weak too. Web Spinner(WS): 15BG poison all & create 9 green gems. Just like SD, but more danger. Tips:. Focus your fire on one card is important.

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Split damage some most time won’t destroy any cards, so directional damage is important. The advantage of split damage is split damage won’t waste damage, if enemy only has two cards, with 3hp & 4hp, a 7damage split damage will finish them all. if you can’t build a team has lots of true damage, true damage doesn’t make sense. control enemy team is also important, if you don't have any control cards, use LST more to slow enemy gain mana. all the ratio of “boosted by” skill is 0.5, if Alastair remove 7 purple gems, add 3 more armor.

Create Gem. Venoxia: even venoxia is hard to control, it still one of the best gem creater, no cards can create 16 gems, in GOW there are only two cards can create gem for itself, one is venoxia, another is RockWorm.

RockWorm: this common card is incredible, only 8E cost, 6 damage to last enemy, create 7E. If you hit the 4 match & surged, u can do it again. Acolyte: 9BP, create 10E!

More than Venoxia, much more like Deep borer, but weaker. Choose it for harmonize colors. Skeleton: 9P, 5skull+extra turn, totally safe card, poor man’s choice for physic attack team build. Tips:. DOUBLE TURN Trick(DTT):if you use a skill with a extra turn and also auto match 4+ gems after skill release, u will get two extra turns! The only cards can make it is Goblin shaman, Skeleton & Boar Rider. And the goblin shaman is the easiest one.

U can release some dangerous skills like venoxia’s skill! The best things is, u can release skill at any time! Shaman release skill and auto match 4+ - continue combo - mana is full, skill ready - release skill - still your turn!. Remove gem won’t get any mana. destory line or explode gem is the best way to farm gems, Elwyn cost 12GY, gain 17mana, 5 more mana! And much more safer than create gems, the disadvantage is you only get random gems. It get much weaker when your missing color.

destory a row is much more safer than destroy a column. create gem only make other color gems to selected color, but venoxia’s skill will trans blue to green or green to blue. Buff. Brian the lucky: Lucky is the only card can increase magic attribute!

There is no doubt lucky is the strongest support card in the game. Image lucky add 4 magic to the Crimson Bat, it’s 8 AOE true damage! The best things is, it’s a free card!!!!. Alastair: Alastair with the best armor buff, strong card for defence, not very recommend because it slow the game.

Luther: all ally add 4 attack, first free card u can get. I don’t like it because u will need some luxury card like FD or KOS create skulls.

SparkGrinder: single ally 4 attack & 4 armor, good MT supporter. Emperina: best healer, will restore full health & boost HP & attack. Blade Dancer + RavenI love Blade this combination so much because my first pvp team is Hero(Purple staff weapon) + Blade Dancer + Raven + Blade Dancer/Goblin Shaman with Pan’s Banner (+1 attack for blade dancer) i use this team before lv55.

Average game time is 8 mins. The blade dancer can do massive damage and Raven can quickly finish all the low hp enemy. Hunt blue & Yellow first to release Blade Dancer skill, first release will deal about 20+ damage! And Raven won’t cost mana if u release the skill at last hit. So you can focus on hunt BYP gems to release skill more frequently. Blade Dance cost 10BY, so another Blade Dance will storage the mana, also save me lots of souls.I lost against the RockWorm teams so i changed ST blade Dance to Goblin Shaman laterly, so i won’t missing brown gems & can make Double Turn Trick(DTT).

Seems much better, but the problem is hero’s weapon will absorb mana. So i bring a low mana cost weapon.this team also has good win rate against tough Legendary teams (because L card often have low health but high armor) or any other teams. That’s all due to Blade Dancer.

Paladin + Templararmor team, extremely powerful, paladin will do massive single damage, cheap, fast, high damage, hard to control. Paladin only cost 10 mana to release his skills, also you can charge templar's mana to buff paladin & gain paladin's mana, so you can match 4 color, enemy is very hard to control your mana source.the fatal weakness is Paladin is only have 6 life! Can be killed by Lady Saphira in one shot, also fear blade dancer.

Now this team is more powerful since lv 15 for paladin now have 8 hp, only can be killed by the weapon with 100+ level player. Lucky + Crimson Bat + Gorgotha + VenoxiaUltimate True Damage team, my current team, Put lucky as MT, get green & brown first, lucky release skill will have 25% chance to add magic attribute, so it’s 58% chance that you can get one +4 TROOP!

Let’s see what +4 TROOP can do:Crimson Bat+4: 8 True AOE Damage! Release twice willGorgotha+4: explode 10 gems! Just give me all the mana & jumble the board.Venoxia + 4: create 24 gems!, we know there are 64 gems on board, extremely easy for get next turn, can finish enemy team even more quicker than crimson bat.i don’t have Gorgotha so i replace it with Herdmaster(LV5). Hunt green & brown first, All u need is a +4 magic, use LST( Leave Skull Tactical) to control enemy mana & make lucky die litter quicker(lucky will absorb mana for other cards damage ), after got a +4 Troop, it’s show time.How fast can the team win?

Lucky release skill needs 12mana, release once has 42% miss 4+ troop, 2 times will reduce to chance to 17%, 3times almost 7%. So we think lucky needs 1.33skills, means 16 mana, lucky has 20Hp(9life 11Armor) means have 3TT(tank turns), so even u continue using LST, lucky still can release 1 skill. After you get 4+ troops, you need another 16 mana to start the skill(if troop is crimson bat, we need 32mana), if the skill started, the game soon will end in 5 turns.so all we need is 48 specified mana, 1 turn u can match at least 3 mana, consider about 16 turns.

So if one turn is 10 second, you can finish the game in 5mins! According the guild activity, now i can play a game in 4 mins. Originally posted by Epshiluss:Carnex (or heard master+Gorgatha+silentone+flesh golemUse this to render the your opponent useless, very hard to counter once silenced and entangled.Charge up carnex (or heard master) and Gorgatha for 50%100% mana charge for troops to silence and entangle. It takes about 1-8 turns for your opponant to charge mana (depending on rarity), buy you can use boom-boom to recharge up to 50%-100% mana each turn.The minimum turns you opponent needs to charge ability is 1 (but this requires many chaining) with an average of 3 turns to charge a spell, but you can charge all spells in just 1-2 turns.The only counter is if entangle or silence is removed in 1 turn and you proponent matches skulls or if they can get enough chain to charge an ability, But this is less than 3% chance of happening. They also have to do this about 10 times to win.

Gems of war ps4 cheats

force quit before lost in PvP will save the guild trophies. Retreat does the same thing, u can’t get any gold.

put fire on one card, destory one card as soon as possible, card not only means skills, also means gem colors. If opponent don’t have blue, leave him a blue chance means nothing. don’t put more than 1 buffer cards into your troops like Luther, SparkGrinder.