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Kirby Battle Royale is a standalone Party Game spinoff of everyone's favorite pink puffball for the Nintendo 3DS. It's not based off of any sub-game from the other 3DS titles and is strictly its own thing, although it shares a lot of similarities to Kirby Fighters Deluxe where Kirby in multiple power-ups.

Kirby battle royale gamefaqs


Kirby Battle Royale has slight issues on Citra. There’s the occasional lag spike, but you don’t need powerful hardware to run at full speed. The game runs good.


IDBuild DateTested ByHardwareCitra VersionRating
55b20886-c691-417e-aa99-c9f5c58eebf9 04/7/2020 polkaon 04/07/2020Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
Nightly Build
c243eb9e-037b-42fc-8d97-f0f499edc7df 11/20/2019 Snazzahon 11/24/2019Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2
Canary Build
ce9e4501-b592-4456-954d-33cd946c3485 03/22/2019 SanicCdxon 03/23/2019AMD A9-9410 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G
AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics
Nightly Build
1b97e3b6-f982-4ef0-8cb3-88abca8bd04d 03/5/2019 SanicCdxon 03/16/2019AMD A9-9410 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G
AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics
Nightly Build
7de82f5d-704f-4f27-9245-c24bf6076986 12/16/2018 goldmaster11on 12/16/2018Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz
Radeon Pro Vega 20
Canary Build
85f9e29f-2205-462c-b39b-66e647328187 05/14/2018 Sonic30Coolon 05/17/2018AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+
GeForce GT 530/PCIe/SSE2
Nightly Build

Known Issues

No issues have been reported for this game.


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Contents.Plot Synopsis When the player boots up the game for the first time, it begins with the introduction cut-scene and first moments of the story mode, before leading into the main menu.The story begins, as many do, with Kirby sleeping under a tree in a grassy field. A loose piece of paper comes tumbling down from the sky, and lands on Kirby's face, stirring him. He has a look at the paper, and becomes quite excited, readying his sword and running off. At this point, the player sees what was on the paper, revealing itself to be a promotional flyer for a tournament, where the reward is a gigantic cake. As Kirby makes his way toward the sight of the tournament, he runs into, who has collapsed on the ground. Bandana Waddle Dee had also been traveling to the arena for the cake, but had 'walked all night', and was exhausted. Kirby helps Bandana Waddle Dee by carrying him through the forest, until they run into a dead end, where they both get ambushed.

After these pests, a blue clone of Kirby appears from the bush, and attacks without warning. After defeating this mysterious foe, a appears from the sky to carry Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee the rest of the way to the arena. Once they arrive at the entrance, Bandana Waddle Dee regains his energy, and they both walk to the gate, guarded by a Soldier Waddle Dee. The guard challenges Kirby to a game of in order to qualify for entrance. With this first trial cleared, Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee are permitted entry to the arena proper, and a cut-scene is displayed to the player showing the sorts of battles that lay ahead. This marks the end of the intro.The story proper begins as Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee arrive in the arena, where King Dedede shows them his newest contraption - the. It is capable of creating copies of, pre-equipped with a, using only crank power.

Dedede's plan is thus to pit Kirby against these clones in various games, confident that they will beat each-other senseless over the cake. Meanwhile, looks on from atop a tower, content to observe for the moment. As Kirby advances through the leagues, King Dedede becomes increasingly frustrated, as he had intended for Kirby to lose the games and look a fool. He uses the Kirby Printer to print Kirbys with ever more elaborate abilities in an attempt to stop his pink rival from winning more games. As Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee enter the Gold League, Meta Knight reveals himself, making it known that he is also competing in the games, and intends to challenge Kirby, noting that the clones are not up to snuff. After Kirby defeats Meta Knight in the Platinum League Qualifiers, King Dedede loses the rest of his patience, and storms out of the throne room, intent on dealing with Kirby himself.At the Championship Match, Dedede reveals himself as Kirby's last opponent.


Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee face off against him in four rounds, but when he's beaten he stubbornly refuses to admit defeat. He forces Kirby to fight him and two of his guards alone, in a 1v3 match. Kirby manages to beat him again, prompting Dedede to retreat into his throne room, as Kirby makes chase. There, he rides an elevator up to a large chamber, where King Dedede has prepared a giant robot, the, complete with the as its base. Kirby has to battle this robot, along with the Kirbys it produces, though he gains some aid from Bandana Waddle Dee, who tosses him a cannon to fire at the robot with. With the Dededestroyer Z reduced to scrap, King Dedede is finally defeated, and the Kirby Printer is destroyed, causing all the Kirby clones it produced to vanish.

A crowd gathers to cheer the heroes as the cake is brought in for them to enjoy. Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee enjoy their hard-earned cake.Gameplay Overview The intro plays before the main menu can be accessed for the first time, it teaches the player the basics of gameplay, pits Kirby against a few minor foes and a clone of himself, then introduces the first game in. This much of the story mode is all that is available to the player if only the demo is available.

The rest of the story mode is accessible from the main menu, once the full game is purchased.The main story mode involves five distinct leagues, or levels of difficulty. These are 'Beginner's', 'Bronze', 'Silver', 'Gold' and 'Platinum'. Kirby is placed in the Beginner's League to start with, and has to win enough games in that league to progress to the next one. Kirby cannot win points from the same battle more than once, so he will have to play in several different matches to advance. Whenever Kirby is in need of a teammate in a particular battle, will fill that role. At first, Kirby will only be able to use the ability, but other abilities will be unlocked as the game progresses.The following is an overview of each league, and the games within:Beginner's League 100 League Points (LP) are necessary to qualify for Bronze League.