воскресенье 19 апреляadmin

WARNING: This solution is meant to be a draft and to be deleted.Note on the directionI used north, east, west and south to denote directions, north meaning the top of the screen. This direction is always based on the view the video is currently facing.Video 1Level 1A rather simple level. The only important part is 0:17?? On the video, where magnetdice is used to escape from encircling arrows.Level 2In this stage, you have to place marble statues on each of the 4 switches to open the doors before the goal. The problem is the blinddice, which can move the statues you've placed. To prevent this, placing two statues in a row is the basic strategy here.The move in the video is fairly simple but doing some tricky things like letting the blinddice to move statues for our purpose, so I'm adding some comments for reference. Please note that the blinddice are moving around, so timing is a very important factor.0:33??: Placing marbles on the north switch.0:43??: Placing marbles for the east switch.

Whoever named Voodoo Dice did a good job. The name isn't super crazy, and does let you know you're about to play a game that involves some sort of dice, but it's just bizarre enough to make me. Voodoo Dice is a puzzle game available from the PlayStation Store where the main objective is to guide a six-sided die to an exit at the end of the level. There is nothing to really worry about with the trophies.

At this point, I'm not directly placing on the switch, only making a wall.0:52??: Preparing for the south switch. Please note that the marbles are placed 2 squares away from the switch.0:55??: Check the blinddice on the right pushing a marble statue. This statue will be moved on top of the east switch.0:59??: Waiting for two blinddice to pass.1:06??: Blinddice on north is pushing a statue. This will be moved on top of the west switch. Now all switch has been taken care of, we can head to the goal.Level 3The move to solve this level is dependent on random elements.

There are two isles with voltodice on them. The face of the voltodice will change randomly when you enter the level. If you wish to use the same move as the video, you must make sure that both voltodice have face 1 on top when they are on the right side of the isles (as in the image above).So once you start the level, press Y to switch to aerial view and check the two isles. If the faces of voltodice are not as wanted, use Level Selection to exit the level, and enter the level again.You may think it'll need many tries to get two 1 faces, but from what I experienced, the chance are not low. I feel there's at least 10% chance, and probably 20% or more.Once you have the right pattern, stick to it and never exit the level.

Restart won't change the facing of voltodice, so if you get stuck, use that to try again. Also, don't clear this level unless you can beat the voodoo time. While you are not familiar with the pattern, it's quite likely that you've failed the voodoo time when you reached the goal. If you cleared the level, you'll have to look for the right voltodice pattern again.Now let's look into the details.1:28??: Wait for the goddice to move into south end of the isle.

Please note that if you are on the top of magnetdice, you are immune to the harm.1:35??: Destroying the first voltodice.1:47??: Destroying the second voltodice.2:14??: As usual, using magnetdice as a shield against the goddice.Level 4This level can be solved in two way.1. This level have rather long voodoo time of 1:30, so you can destroy as many voltodice as you can, and press as many switches as you can, then hope that there will be a path to the goal. This method will have higher chance that you will find a path through the doors, but requires very high skill to destroy voltodice quickly.2. Another way is more simple, but highly dependent on luck.

The video is doing this.The key is the arrowed switch. This switch open the door at the entrance of the area filled with doors. Press this switch and run into the entrance, then wait for the randomly moving voltodice will press switches which opens your way.The video shows a rather lucky case. There is some chance that a path won't appear within the voodoo time of 1:30. But if you try repeatedly, you'll eventually make it.Level 5In this stage, you'll have to pick up the talisman and become unable to stop.

If you step into arrows, they'll transport you to a certain death, so you must use sides of the blinddice to control your movement.The move shown in video is not a fast one, but it can achieve boodoo time for sure.3:29??: Waiting for blinddice. Generally, by starting when the blinddice is one square before the square you're targeting, you can safely hit the side of blinddice.3:37??: This timing.3:42??: Again, this timing.3:50??: Now, this place is a bit different. You must pick up slow spell, so its better to start moving 2 squares before. Waiting for the next chance.3:54??: Now. After you hit the side, rotate the camera.3:58??: Then wait for the blinddice to pass before you three times.4:13??: Go to the next stop. You get the antidote, so you are at normal speed now.4:21??: Target for this timing.

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The following move is a bit complicated.4:22??: Once you hit the blinddice, immediately move right4:23??: As soon as the blinddice changes direction, move left to hit its side. Then move down to the goal. If you are not sure what's happening, try using aerial view to see surrounding objects. That'll certainly make you to miss the voodoo time, but will help you understanding the purpose of the move.Level 6Basically, the move needed for this stage is a fixed pattern. But the exact timings of the electric discharges of voltdice are a bit random, so you have to judge when to move and when to hide in a safe place.Knowing which square is safe, and which square is in the range of the discharge, are important.4:33??-4:40??: The initial move on the video may look tight, but it will succeed most of the time.4:56: Rotating camera to have a better view of incoming voltodice.

But stopping and moving camera at this square is not a good choice, since the square is in the range of the volt. You'd better stop at one square before this.Video 2Level 7A rather simple stage with a fixed pattern. Voltodice can get in your way, but it won't be a serious trouble. If you felt they are too much to handle, just remember that you can restart the level and hope they'll move in a different way.The moves of connected dice might seem complicated, but most of them are just combination of basic moves with face 2 on the top.Level 8The move for this level is fairly simple, but it requires you a sound control of dice while under effect of the invert spell.Another important element here is when the invert spell ends.

The effect of invert spell can be cured by antidote (apple), but it also automatically ends after a certain period (supposedly 10 seconds). When this happens, it effectively inverts your control again. This can result in some unexpected move of your dice.For example, at 1:05?? Of the video, my dice suddenly move to left when it should move to right. This is because the spell has just faded away.

In this case, such wrong movement is not fatal, so I didn't worried about that. But when you are moving marble statues, such an unexpected move can make you stuck on a level. Amazing alex walkthrough game. Be careful about that. Also please note that there are many antidotes set in this level. So if you can move swiftly to get these antidotes before the invert spells fade away, you can know the timing when your control reverts to normal.0:42??: The former half of the level is rather simple.

Try to make a swift movement. That will leave you more time in the latter half.1:19??: Waiting a while for the spell to end.

An alternate way is to continue moving quickly to get the next invert spell before the current spell fades away. This will be much faster, but requires some practice.Also FYI, the move shown in the video to place marble statues on 4 switches, is not a very clever one. I've used this because it was simple and was sufficient for me to beat the voodoo time. But if you run out of time, you can try devising a better pattern.Level 9The objective of this level is simple, press three switches to open the doors. Just you have to take care that you won't destroy the normal dice which are 'sealing' the goddice. So some adjustment of facing is needed along the way. By following the video, you won't have any trouble in this level.Level 10Of this level, it's all about timing.

Perhaps you'll learn quickly what will happen when you missed the timing2:48??: I felt that moving into the sideway at the same time the blinddice changed the direction, is a good timing here.2:55??: Remember, the blinddice can't move into the square with a spell.3:00??: You can move into this sideway as soon as you can.3:57??: Again moving into the sideway as the blinddice turned back.Level 11As a puzzle, this level is a challenging one. But achievement-wise, it's an easy level which can be solved by just following the video. The key is to place two marble stones to counter the pushing back of the arrow.Please not that you'd better follow the video square by square until you've destroyed all the normal dice, but after that, you can move as you wish.Video 3Level 12A quite simple level. Please note that you must guide the blinddice to make it open the last door. The move to destroy the last 3 normal dice in the video is rather bad.

I wasn't doing that seriously, since I can't finish the level anyway until the blinddice arrives, so wasting time there is not a problemLevel 13This level is a bit bother, but also can be solved by a fixed pattern. You have to put one each of face 1 to 5 into the arrow corridor.There's a plenty of time in this level, so perhaps you'll have little trouble in pausing the game and checking the video. Please note that most moves of the connected dice are just combination of basic moves.Level 14An easy level once you know the answer. I suppose no comment is needed.Level 15Long-absent stone slabs come again. The voodoo time has a good margin, so you don't have to make haste when crossing stone slabs.