Infected wounds are wounds in which bacteria or other microorganisms have colonized, causing either a delay in wound healing or deterioration of the wound. Most wounds are typically contaminated by bacteria. MRSA is usually spread in the community by contact with infected people or things that are carrying the bacteria. This includes through contact with a contaminated wound or by sharing personal items, such as towels or razors, that have touched infected skin. The opioid epidemic may also be connected to the rise of staph infections in communities.
An uninfected cut will gradually improve until it’s fully healed, while an infected cut becomes more painful over time.The skin that surrounds the cut is often red and may feel hot. You’ll likely notice some swelling in the affected area.
As the infection progresses, it may begin to ooze a yellowy substance called pus.Seek immediate medical attention if you have these signs of infection:. Redness from the infection spreads to other areas, often in streaks. You have aches and pains or a. You feel a general sense of.These symptoms indicate that the infection has spread. If you’ve only just begun to notice that your cut is looking a little red around the edges, you may be able to treat it at home.Make sure you’ve washed your wound with soap and water, removing any visible debris.
Antiseptic solutions such as may be used the first day, but not more than once. After the wound has been cleaned, dry it and keep it covered with, such as Neosporin, and until new skin has developed over the wound.If the redness continues to spread or the cut begins to ooze pus, seek medical attention.Don’t try to treat signs of infection in a large cut at home.
Instead, see your doctor immediately for treatment. If an infected cut is not treated promptly, the infection will begin to spread into the deeper tissues under the skin. This is called.
The infection can travel through your blood to other parts of your body. Once the infection spreads, you will begin to feel generally unwell and develop a fever.Cellulitis can develop into a severe infection called. It’s also possible that an infected cut will never heal properly.
It can lead to such as, and it can also become an.In extremely rare cases, an untreated infected cut can develop into. This is more commonly known as the “flesh-eating disease.” It leaves large areas of the skin damaged and painful. There are some circumstances that increase your risk of developing an infected cut, such as:.
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having or. having a weakened immune system, which could be due to taking steroids, having, or contracting an autoimmune disease such as. being bitten by an or human. being cut by a dirty object. having a piece of whatever caused the cut remaining inside the wound.
having a cut that’s large and deep. having a jagged-edged cut. being an older adult (as skin doesn’t heal as well as people age). being overweight. Clean the area immediately after you’ve been injured.
Use alcohol wipes if clean water is unavailable.Once you’ve cleaned the area, wait for it to dry, and then apply an antiseptic or antibiotic cream to help keep germs away. Cover the area with a clean dressing to further protect the cut.Be sure to choose a suitable dressing. Use one that won’t stick to the cut. If you’re unsure about which type of dressing to use, you can ask your pharmacist.Seek immediate medical attention if:.
you suspect there may be a foreign body inside your cut. you can’t stop the bleeding. the cut is very large. the wound is caused by an animal or human biteMonitor your cut closely so that you notice if there is the slightest sign of infection. The earlier an infection is caught, the more quickly and easily it can be treated.