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This mod works with all copies of Mass Effect 2 and all of the DLC (DLC is not required however) What this mod does: This mod allows all classes to have access to soldier weapon sets (Heavy weapon, sniper rifle, assault rifle, shotgun, and pistol), and on the collector ship mission it will unlock a special weapon for you.

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Mass Effect 2 Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

Squad members
Assembling the Team
Completing the Team
  1. Overlord (DLC)
  2. Lair of the Shadow Broker (DLC)
  3. Arrival (DLC)
The Endgame
Abilities, equipment, and upgrades

Skeleton of all the weapons in the game. Future weapons DLC content has been confirmed to be in the works.

  • 1Heavy Pistols
  • 2Submachine Guns
  • 3Assault Rifles
  • 4Sniper Rifles
  • 5Shotguns
  • 6Heavy Weapons

Heavy Pistols[edit]

X-3d Predator Heavy Pistol[edit]

X-6d Carnifex Hand Cannon[edit]

Submachine Guns[edit]

X-4e Shuriken Machine Pistol[edit]

X-9e Tempest Submachine Gun[edit]

X-12e Locust SMG[edit]

Only available through DLC. See downloadable content for details.
The Kassa Fabrications Model 12 Locust is a compact submachine gun developed for the Alliance but now favored by the gang enforcers and hitman. Featuring a complex recoil-reducing mechanism and high-grade auto-targeting software, the Locust delivers longer range and more accurate fire than others in its class. Found in Hock's vault right next to the gray box in Kasumi's loyalty mission, Stealing Memory, this gun is famous for assassinating two presidents.

Assault Rifles[edit]

X-8c Avenger Assault Rifle[edit]

X-15c Vindicator Battle Rifle[edit]

X-76c Revenant Machine Gun[edit]

Geth Pulse Rifle[edit]

Collector Assault Rifle[edit]

Only available through DLC. See downloadable content for details.

Sniper Rifles[edit]

X-92e Mantis Sniper Rifle[edit]

X-97e Viper Sniper Rifle[edit]

X-98e Widow Anti-Material Rifle[edit]

M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle[edit]

Only available through DLC. See downloadable content for details.


X-23d Katana Shotgun[edit]

X-27d Scimitar Assault Shotgun[edit]

X-300d Claymore Heavy Shotgun[edit]

Heavy Weapons[edit]

M-100 Grenade Launcher[edit]

ML-77 Missile Launcher[edit]

M-622 Avalanche[edit]

M-920 Cain[edit]

Collector Particle Beam[edit]

Only available through DLC. See downloadable content for details.

M-451 Firestorm[edit]

M-490 Blackstorm Singularity Projector[edit]

Only available through DLC. See downloadable content for details.

Retrieved from 'https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Mass_Effect_2/Weapons&oldid=500293'

(15,000 Palladium)'Weapon Upgrade. Squad bonus +50% heavy pistol damage against armor. Upgrades heavy pistols and hand cannons for your entire squad. Increasing the tungsten content of slugs and recalibrating the weapon's computer improves penetration of heavily armored targets.' AP Sniper Rifle (15,000 Platinum)'Increases damage by +50% against armor. Improves sniper rifles for entire squad. Increasing the tungsten content of slugs and recalibrating the weapon's computer greatly improves penetration against heavily armored targets.'

Assault Rifle Accuracy (25,000 Iridium)'Squad bonus: Your entire squad's assault rifles are now much more accurate. Upgrades assault rifles, battle rifles, machine guns.

A smart targeting module calculates and compensates for minute barrel movements, weather, and the environment. Firing on a target in a howling gale feels the same as it does on a calm day on a practice range. Smart targeting does not mean the bullet will automatically find the mark every time the trigger is pulled; it only makes it easier for the marksman to aim.' Assault Rifle Damage (1,000+ Iridium). 'Squad bonus +10% assault rifle damage. Upgrades assault rifles, battle rifles, and machine guns for your entire squad.

This upgrade strengths a weapon's mass effect field generator, increasing the velocity of each slug fired.' Assault Rifle Penetration (15,000 Iridium)'Squad bonus +25% assault rifle damage against armor, shields, and biotic barriers.

Upgrades the assault rifles, battle rifles, and machine guns for your entire squad. The slugs' tungsten content is increased, and the weapon's computer is recalibrated, improving penetration of heavily-armored targets. A phasic envelope surrounds each slug before it is fire at a target; this disrupts any mass effect field protecting the target, resulting in better penetration.' Heavy Pistol Critical (25,000 Palladium)'Squad bonus: Heavy pistols sometimes deal double damage. Upgrades the heavy pistols and hand cannons of your entire squad.

Normandy's scientists have prototyped a modification to the traditional smart-targeting module commonly incorporated into high-end weaponry. While this technology is commonly used to compensate for wind and recoil, it was adapted to slightly deflect rounds to strike a more vital part of the enemy.' Heavy Pistol Damage (2,500+ Palladium):'Squad bonus +10% heavy pistol damage. Upgrades heavy pistols and hand cannons for your entire squad. This upgrade improves a weapon's mass effect field generator, increasing the mass and acceleration of each slug fired.' SMG Extra Rounds (25,000 Iridium)'Squad bonus: 50% submachine gun (SMG) rounds.

Beholder 2 floor 25. Beholder 2 General Discussions Topic Details. English walkthrough for Floor 25 job? Does anybody know where I can find a guide to building clones for Evan's job on the 25th floor? It takes so long trying to get the right combination without screwing yourself over for the next clone. Showing 1-8 of 8 comments. So ive gotten rid of the boss and the woman but cant seem to get rid of the other two guys on floor 27. Ive watched the shows they are my friends.

Improves SMGs for your entire squad. More efficient heat-sink materials improve the absorption and dissipation of heat.

Allows for smaller, easier-to-carry sinks.' SMG Shield Piercing (15,000 Iridium)'Squad bonus +50% submachine gun (SMG) damage against shields and biotic barriers. Upgrades SMGs for your entire squad. A module in the mass-effect field generator creates a phasic envelope around each slug before it is fire at a target. This disrupts any mass effect field protecting the target, resulting in superior penetration.'

Shotgun Damage (2,500+ Palladium)'Increases damage by +10%. Improves shotguns, heavy shotguns, and assault shotguns for your entire squad. This upgrade improves the weapon's mass effect field generator, increasing the mass and acceleration of each shot fired.' Shotgun Extra Rounds (25,000 Platinum): 'Shotguns, heavy shotguns, and assault shotguns double their rounds. This bonus affects the entire squad. More efficient heat-sink materials improve the absorption and dissipation of heat.

Allows for smaller, easier-to-carry heat sinks.' Shotgun Shield Piercing (15,000 Platinum)'Increases damage by +50% against shields and biotic barriers.

Improves shotguns, heavy shotguns, and assault shotguns for your entire squad. With the addition of a phasic module to the mass effect field generator, each slug is encased in a phasic envelope before it is fired at a target. This disrupts any mass effect field protecting the target, resulting in superior penetration.Sniper Heatshot Damage (25,000 Platinum)'Sniper rifles deal +50% headshot damage. This bonus affects the entire squad. Normandy's scientists have prototyped a modification to the traditional smart-targeting module commonly incorporated into high-end weaponry.

While this technology is normally used to compensate for wind and recoil, it was adapted to slightly deflect rounds to strike a more vital part of the enemy's head.' Sniper Rifle Damage (2,500+ Palladium)'Increases damage by +10%. Improves sniper rifles for your entire squad. This upgrade improves the weapon's mass effect field generator, increasing the mass and acceleration of each slug fired.' Submachine Gun Damage (2,500+ Iridium)'Squad bonus +10% submachine gun damage. Upgrades the submachine guns of your entire squad.

This upgrade improves a weapon's mass effect field generator, increasing the velocity of each slug fired.'