среда 06 маяadmin

We're not going to hold it against you if you think the novelty of the Worms franchise has long since worn off. With more than a dozen incarnations released across 20 or so platforms, it's natural to assume that this dead horse has been well and truly beaten into paste, especially after last year's uninspired Worms: Open Warfare. But if the concept of anthropomorphized annelids wielding high-powered weaponry ever held any appeal for you whatsoever, you owe it to yourself to check out. Not only does it fix the problems that plagued its predecessor, it just might be the best incarnation of the series to date.At its heart, Open Warfare 2 is based on the same core gameplay that established the series as a casual gaming powerhouse. Two teams of earthworms with murder in their dozens of hearts take turns using an arsenal of ludicrous weapons - from holy hand grenades to exploding sheep - to blast the hell out of each other. When all four of one team's worms are reduced to zero HP or flung off of the 2D battlefield, they've lost the skirmish.But Open Warfare 2 proves that a quality Worms game is all in the execution, not the concept. It's a shame that THQ's billing it as a sequel, because apart from the obvious similarities to the original Worms: Open Warfare (and just about every other game in the franchise), it's a completely new beast that deserves its own branding line.

Description: Worms: Open Warfare 2 is a Strategy video game published by THQ released on August 31, 2007 for the PSP.

Two Tribes handled the development chores this time around and from the looks of things scrapped every underperforming line of Gamesauce's original code. It features much tighter control than Open Warfare and a plethora of new game modes.Open Warfare 2 begins with a skippable tutorial, in the unlikely even that this is your first turn with the Worms experience. Even veteran players will want to check it out, though, if only to familiarize themselves with the controls, which doesn't take long.


Spellstone hacked arcade. Left and right on the d-pad moves the selected worm, up and down on the d-pad adjusts the worm's angle of fire and the analog pad scrolls around the battlefield. Square jumps, X fires, and that's about all you need to know.Open Warfare 2 boasts a surprisingly deep and addictive single player Campaign mode, in which you progress through pre-set scenarios aplenty as you wriggle your way to establishing invertebrate superiority. Imagine fashion designer world tour. It's a legitimate story mode too, with cutscenes and even the occasional boss battle. Victory in Campaign mode earns you credits that you can spend on new worm skins, levels, weapons and other items.If you don't feel like playing through a complete battle, you can take Puzzle mode for a spin and try to accomplish a specific objective, such as collecting crates or destroying all of the enemy worms. Or you can play a Time Attack game, where the objective is to reach the level exit within a certain amount of time.